A knee scooter is what?

Those who are unable to bear weight on their foot or ankle due to surgery, an injury, or a wound have a variety of options. The Knee Scooter is one of these alternatives. These can offer greater movement, stability, and comfort as compared to traditional underarm crutches. They are also known as Knee Walkers or Roll About after the name of the original manufacturer.


The patient kneels on a cushioned platform that is the same for all Knee Scooters, offloading all of their weight from the damaged foot or ankle. The patient’s mobility is provided by the wheeled scooter, which is propelled by the opposing leg. Knee scooters fold up for small storage, and the majority of them may be transported on commercial aircraft or in the trunk or back seat of a car. The knee scooter can be used both inside and outside, although stair use is not recommended.

Design variations

These tools, including turning, knee pads, and wheels, have seen numerous improvements in the last ten years.


Early models could not be turned, thus the patient had to lift the front wheels to change lanes. This could result in falls and calls for upper body strength and coordination. More manoeuvrable turning designs offer stability while preserving stability.

Padded knees:

The original units had a permanent, single-piece, padded bench. Newer systems contain movable pads that can hold surgical dressings, fracture boots, and casts.


Little bumps like those encountered at a door threshold or a fissure in the sidewalk are accommodated by larger wheels. Avoid using wheels with a tiny diameter, especially caster wheels like those on a grocery cart.

Who Might Profit

Patients who are unable to bear weight on their foot or ankle now have another choice besides crutches thanks to the Knee Scooter. On the side of the affected foot or ankle, users must be able to kneel comfortably. Knee scooters still demand basic balance and some level of physical effort, but they are less physically stressful on the upper body than traditional crutches. If the patient lacks these skills, a wheelchair, seated scooter, or propelled scooter may be the best option.

Insurance Protection

To find out if a Knee Scooter is a covered benefit, it is essential to contact your specific provider as each insurer and policy are different. HCPC Code E0118: Crutch alternative with or without wheels is the designation for Knee Scooters.

What to Buy

Some neighbourhood pharmacies and shops selling durable medical equipment have knee scooters. They are also widely accessible through specialized internet vendors who provide them at affordable prices and transport them right to your house, place of business, or hospital room. On websites like Craigslist, eBay, and others, used units can also be discovered.


New knee scooters can cost anywhere from $300 and $800, depending on the manufacturer and type. For individuals who have not been bearing weight for less than three months, renting can be an option. Rental fees range from $100 to $320 per month and $35 to $80 per week. Some vendors want a deposit that can equal the entire buying price. For some, delivery and/or pickup are extra. Make sure you are aware of all associated charges as well as the return policy in case the unit does not match your demands. Within three days, you should be able to determine this.